Saturday, November 24, 2012

Play-dough with a Soul

This way,
That way,
Every which way,
The more i live,
The more i realize that
i am clay.

Many desire to form me
To trim off my unwanted edges
With their cookie cutters.
To be play-dough with a soul is the most perplexing position possible.

There are the 4 year olds
Stuffing me in their mouths
Trying to eat me when the teacher isn’t looking.
There are the students
Striving to attain perfection through me,
To prove their skill in manipulating me.
But they all try to fight against the one Artist.

They try to rip pieces of me out of His hands,
Confident of their superior plan for me.
But as play-dough with a soul,
i must choose.
i must choose to yield only to the  Artist’s fingers,
To harden myself to the persistence of the amateurs.

As play-dough with a soul, i choose You, the Artist,
To soften my clay to Your will,
Bend me to make Your beauty,
Strengthen me to be Your work alone.