Wednesday, August 22, 2012

what's right with it?

How often have you ever heard that question? The one I usually hear, and say, when someone appears to disagree with an a opinion or an idea is "What's wrong with it?". However, as christians, I think we are completely missing the point when we ask that question. The question itself implies that whatever it is that we want or want to do is ok as long as it's not inherently evil. It implies that there is a neutral ground. Yet I would argue that there is no truly neutral ground. Having a facebook (contrary to my father's belief) is not inherently evil. However, if you are spending a third of your day on it and suddenly find yourself having gone through your day without spending any time with God, I think we agree that there is a problem. The same thing with having a boyfriend, a job, an education - do you get what it is I'm saying? None of these things are wrong. In fact, usually, these things are considered very good things. But if anything, or anyone, is taking your time away from God, and thereby taking your heart away from God, it is a problem. So before you get all defensive when someone seems to be questioning a choice of yours and you demand to know what's wrong with it, examine yourself truly to discern how it draws you closer to the Lord, or how it pulls you away. This morning, in my history class, my history teacher wanted to know what each of us value. And then he told us that it had to be something that we could prove by how our lives have been spent since this morning. What I'm trying to say, is that we can talk all we want about how our heart is with God and how our choices aren't affecting our walks with Him, but how do you prove it? What is right with the choices you have been making? I challenge you to raise your "standard of living" by questioning your own decisions based on how it brings you closer to the Lord, not by if it's wrong or not.


  1. This kind of reminds me of Moses's post on breaking good habits to make better ones and I completely agree. Just because something isn't necessarily wrong doesn't make it okay to do. Good one, Anne Marie. :)

  2. I try to judge my choices by whether i am obeying God's command to love Him. And if i am not loving my brother who i can see, then i am a liar to say i love God whom i can't see....
    glad you are thinking through things Anne Marie!
    Mrs. McGee

  3. @Anastasia - maybe I was subconsciously going off of his post. Great minds think alike. ;)

    @doveinturkey -That is an excellent point. We often don't connect obeying God to loving the people around us, but it is a command. Thank you for contributing!
