Monday, January 6, 2014

a sunset moment

Does the sunset fascinate you like it does me? Do you study it and wonder at how God expresses Himself through that ever changing painting? His bold strokes that ignite a passionate fire that consumes the sky. He is power. He is declaring His intense desire for me and seeking my love that i refer to so loosely as “passion”. The sky practically radiates the emotion in His heart. And just as i start to become nervous at the thought of an omnipotent God setting fire to the sky from the depths of His heart (or i’ve gotten used to it and have become complacent), i realize that the roaring flame has been replaced by a gentle candle light, glowing on the clouds to produce the most ethereal and calming effect imaginable on this earth. But where did He go? The imminent reality of darkness has come to mind and, as much as i want to enjoy the sweet flush of the atmosphere, i am starting to feel rather frightened and alone. What will happen when it’s all gone? I already can’t see Him and - and i feel His arms come around my waist. He has come to watch the sleep of the sun with me.
“Do you see that?” He whispers about the soft embers before us. “That’s how I love you.” What He leaves unspoken is the choice before me: i can fret about the darkness, or, i can let Him hold me and savor His love together. I choose the sunset.