Friday, May 3, 2013

update: what i am learning

So, i've posted some posts about things that have been on my mind, but i haven't really said anything about what i'm personally learning, and i wanted to share a little of that. i would like to use scripture to show that i'm not completely off my rocker, but i'm not going to go looking for verses to support my thoughts, because i don't want to take stuff out of context, so i'm hoping the Holy Spirit will lay some on my heart. If not, consider it like a journal entry, except spiritual and public. Ok, i'm rambling and i haven't even gotten started yet (here's a side of me you haven't seen :P).
So, to majorly summarize, i've been learning the power of God. i'm learning it in weakness. i'm learning that He is not limited by my stumblings. That He does not despise me and refuse to work through me simply because i'm being pathetically faithless in something at the moment. He is not limited by unfortunate circumstances. There is no terrible thing which He has not seen, and no terrible thing which He refuses to have a hand in if we will let Him. He is not limited by my weakness. He uses that which i see as weak in me to break pride in others and to build spirits in love. He's not limited by my "strengths" - those things which i assume i have mastered and don't need any further instruction in. He uses those things to break me.  There is literally nothing i can do or that can happen that can obstruct His will. If that's not encouraging, i don't know what is!
I have issues talking to people. i've always seen it as a horrible hindrance to ministering to people. But because i am slow of tongue, when i do speak, people listen, and when i can't speak, God made my face so expressive that my eyes alone say more than i could, and He uses that. Isn't that crazy? He uses my silence! i don't know about your God, but my God is indescribably awesome. My God makes something out of nothing, in every sense of the phrase. oh, AND He's really sweet about it when i'm dead wrong. When i start getting frustrated cuz i'm weak and helpless and immature, He just laughs at my foolish little thoughts and uses me when i least deserve it, just to show me He can. How can we grow numb to such a God? How can we mindlessly sing songs about how great He is without being truly awestruck? How can we tune out the stories of His power and worship of Him when we hear others testify of His power, just because we've "heard it all before"?

Jesus. is. awesome.

(so, obviously no verses came up. Feel free to share some that came to your mind!)


  1. for when i am weak, then i am strong (2 Cor. 12:10)... i think you explained this verse extremely well. :)
    Wonderful sharing. Absolutely true in my life too.
    Auntie Alexandra

    1. Haha! i had a foggy thought about that verse while writing this, but i just couldn't grasp it... thank you. :)
