Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Never Gray

i drew a picture a while ago. i was sure it was finished. But when i looked at it, i was shocked to find that it was gray. Completely gray. No definition of character, or place, of anything. No light, no shadow - it was all shadow. A shadow: no substance, yet full of darkness. Shame, that overbearing brute, forced me to the ground at the sight of this picture that i had so proudly shown everyone. What a fool they must think me! How they must despise me! And so i have kept my picture hidden away. i recently took it out, and noticed that the nights had drawn their dark lines into my picture, defining the vague. And yet, i can’t tell what my drawing is anymore, whether it is pleasant or repulsive. Maybe if color - but no. i have no colors in my possession, only gray. i know One who has many colors, and uses them in all His works. i suspect He wishes to have a hand in my picture, and maybe that’s where its lines, those sure lines, came from. i think i’ll invite Him over today and see what He can do with it. Maybe then, i could show my picture to people and they would like it. Every picture of His that i have ever seen is exquisitely beautiful. Never gray.