Wednesday, August 21, 2013


It is quite common for bloggers to post really cool Do-It-Yourself ideas, but being as uncoordinated as i am, i haven't really done anything like that. However, recently, some DIY ideas of a different nature were brought to my attention, and i thought that they were not only well worth doing, but definitely worth sharing.

There's a girl i know who discovered an awesome way to utilize even the smallest of resources. Her plan consists of this: all the change that she has (money, that is), excluding her tithes, she has set aside to belong to God. Change usually just sits around because it doesn't seem like it's even worth trying to use, but if Jesus used 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed over 5,000 people, imagine what He can do with my quarters and dimes! My Lord is in the habit of taking small, insignificant things and making a miracle out of them. This specific friend of mine collects her coins and finds coins for a month, then brings them to the bank to be turned into cash. All the while, she is praying about the use of that money, and as opportunities arise to glorify God with it, she gives that money to those purposes. i've decided to try out this idea, and i've discovered that quite a bit of money can come out of those coins. Not only am i using otherwise untouched resources, but it excites me so much that i'm looking for pennies everywhere i go! i'm getting so pumped to see what God's going to do with my "talents" and i can't encourage you enough to figure out a way to do the same with any resources you have that could bear a little more utilization.

This next idea is... well, i set up a whole blog just for it, so i'll just give you a link to it and let you see for yourself. :) 10,000 Reasons

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