Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Until the Music Stops

I wrote the following poem for Creative Writing, and although it doesn't have good rythm or anything, I felt it described the Christian walk beautifully.

Until the Music Stops

Advancing through the crowd of people,

Resolve set in His eyes.

Nervous anticipation overcomes my heart,

Feelings of uncertainty grow.

Smiling gently, He holds out His hand,

And I reluctantly accept.

The song playing is unfamiliar,

Yet out on the floor, I step.

I protest that I don’t know how to,

But He still holds my hand.

His other, He places softly on my waist,

Slowly, we begin.

He leads strongly, I soon find out,

And I have nothing to fear.

Even when I drown in His wondrous eyes,

I still don’t make a mistake.

But I start looking at other couples,

And forget about Him soon.

I step on His foot! and wait for harsh words,

Though none ever come.

Ashamed, I try to leave the floor,

But He won’t let me go.

The dance isn’t over yet, He says,

He wants me to dance some more.

When I follow His lead, I am blissfully unaware

Of any others in the room.

In His arms, I will still remain

Until the music stops.


  1. Wow. that is really nice Anne Marie! I got chills as i read it!! :) You should write music to it...
    Love you,

  2. @ doveinturkey - Thank you! I'm afraid I am not good at writing music or anything of that sort, but I am glad you liked it. :)

    @ Annie - I'm am flattered that you liked it. :D
